Todays Wicklow County Council meeting had as is normal a packed agenda, including a presentation from the NTA (National Transport Authority).

At the beginning of the meeting I was delighted to be able to formally note, on record, and congratulate those involved in significant achievements made in the County and Bray Municipal District recently. These included.
Bray Emmets Senior Hurley Team who following their success against Carnew on Sunday have won a 6th Championship in a row.
The Garden County Football Club, under the stewardship of Manager Gary Purdy have successful secured both the League and the Harding Cup.
Wicklow Pride achieved massive recognition by being shortlisted in two categories in the GALA Awards on Saturday night, as a Committee in the LGBTQ+ Community Organisation and for their Chairperson Patrick Bracken who was shortlisted in the category of LGBTQ+ Person of the Year
And finally, Cllr. Paul O’Brien, Cathaoirleach of County Wicklow who was also recently appointed as Chairperson of the Board of the KWETB (Kildare & Wicklow Education Training Board).

Committee Appointments
Items 4 – 8 referred to the appointment of various Councillors to different Committees. It is up to each Councillor to express an interest in committees, the vast majority do not come with any allowance, all involve an additional work commitment by the individual Councillors and outside of attending Council meetings and being part of a Strategic Policy Committee are not a requirement of the role of a Councillor. Now that this work is complete I will provide a full list in due course of all the committees and what Councillors sit on which so that as a community you are aware of who you can contact of you want additional information.
NTA Presentation
The next item covered at the meeting was a presentation from the NTA to the chamber on their role and work, followed by an opportunity for Councillors to pose questions to the NTA staff for response.
The NTA is Ireland’s National Transport Authority. Their job is to develop and support public transport services, build public transport infrastructure and promote sustainable travel. They are an independent statutory agency, working in partnership with the Department of Transport.
There areas of responsibility include;
Regulation of commercial bus routes nationally
National taxi regulation
National public transport information and ticketing
Transport planning in Greater Dublin Area (GDA) and cities
Vehicle Clamping Appeals
EU Passenger Rights
The NTA must review their strategy ever 6 years and align it to other national plans. The current Strategy is from 2022 – 2042 and was last reviewed in 2023.
The following outlines what is being delivered in the area of active travel across Wicklow which includes the Bray DART interchange which currently underway.

There was also an update on Bus Connects, revised plan for Wicklow Routes including L1, L2 & L3 as detailed in the images below & on the Fassaroe Park & Ride.

There was a significant number of queries raised by local Councillors, some of which I have detailed below to give you a flavour of some of the discussions.
Lack of bus services for children living in Enniskerry and Kilmacanogue and an inadequate response from the NTA.
Request on update pf possible DART service extension to Wicklow due to increased population growth and real need to support people getting into Dublin, which the NTA confirmed is approximately 4 – 5 years away but very much in the planning and would see an hourly DART service when in place.
Confusion with regard to future of 145 services, drivers advising change is coming but do not have details. The NTA were unable to give clarity on this but have committed to provide an update following the meeting. They advised that new services for the area such as the L1 and L2 are available on their website..
Petition from residents in Kilmacanogue area regarding bus routes terminating on eastern side on N11, most people live on the other side. Requested that termination be moved to western side. The NTA committed to taking this request away for consideration.
Work taking place at Bray DART Plaza, a number of businesses being affected by usage of Adelaide Road as a layby. The NTA clarified that this needs to be addressed initially by Wicklow County Council which was welcome clarity and will be followed up.
DART Plus Coastal South, delay in going out to public consultation, website says March, its now November. There are a number of challenges that this plan will address such as only one track between Bray & Greystones and an uncontrolled crossing is between Bray & Greystones. NTA advised that dates have slipped but will go to consultation next month.
Reduction in capacity of park and ride in Kilpeddar from 600 spaces original planed to 380 now, NTA advised that assessment showed that that was what was needed, however they will be buying additional land which will allow expansion if necessary.
Accessibility of services both bus and rail, needs of people with disabilities highlighted and request for greater focus by NTA in this area.
Lack of any adequate bus or rail services in the West of Wicklow. Noted that Wicklow County Council members are seeking proposal to bring LUAS from Saggart to West Wicklow. NTA advised that it is in County Wicklow Development Plan. Blessington is same distance from Dublin City Centre as is Greystones and fast growing, increased ambition needed in this area.
Request for clarity on actual route of bus service from Roundwood to Bray.
Some questions could not be responded to at the meeting due to the detail being requested. The officials from the NTA did respond to a significant number of queries over more than 2 hours and will respond to outstanding items following the meeting.
Suspension of standing orders

A 'Suspension of Standing Orders' is a process used to raise a matter in the Council Chamber which is time sensitive and of Countywide significance. Normally items must be submitted a month in advance to be heard, as you can imagine this is not always.
At todays meeting two such ‘Suspension of Standing Order’ requests were made. The members must agree to allow the request to be heard, which at today’s meeting was permitted.
The first request asked that there is a letter written to the Taoiseach and the Minister for Heritage and ask that 120 acres of land in Kindlestown which will connect with the Glen of the Downs Nature Reservice which is 140 acres in size, be purchased to enhance the Nature Reserve and create a natural corridor. This was agreed by all.
The second related to Kilsaran Concrete and a suspected renewed proposal for Ballinclare Quarry. The CE spoke on the matter and confirmed the process that such an application would go through. The CE committed to calling a special meeting to discuss the issues once and such application is issued to An Board Pleanála as it is a Strategic Infrastructure Project.
Chief Executive Report
With limited time left at the meeting, even though there was a meeting extension there was a limited time to deal with the CE Report. As such members were asked where possible to email in queries but invited to raise any important issues.

The N11 and proposed closure of the Herbert Road which I am many others oppose was raised as an important issue and clarity sought on what was meant by ‘investigation work is ongoing’. The CE confirmed that site investigations are being considered and confirmed that she could not confirm that the road would not be closed. However, the CE did outline that the issue is not a simple one to resolve, as you cannot close off access to the N11 to put in a bus corridor and at the same time close off public access which is essential. At this stage no further detail could be provided.
I took the opportunity to raise the issue of ‘Out of Hours’ homeless support services. Raised by me at our recent Bray Municipal District Meeting, it remains outstanding. I and others continue to get desperate calls from people in real need and we are left with no options to offer support. Access to our County Homeless facilities must go through the Council and when calling the Dublin Homeless Emergency number you are advised that if the person is from outside Dublin they cannot help.
Other issues raised included community lighting issues across the County, bulky waste collection that was so successful recently it had to be halted on the day and the need for an ongoing bulky water option for the county.
As always this report is a flavour of the issues discussed today but is in no way a verbatim account of all matters discussed. I hope it is helpful and please do not hesitate to contact me if you have a query on any matter.