County Wicklow was a hive of activity in September as the Judges arrived to view the Counties four entries into the Pride of Place Awards 2023. The purpose of the competition is to acknowledge the work being done every day by communities all over the island of Ireland. I was delighted to be able to attend some of the judging and hear first hand the work being undertaken.
This year’s entries for the County area -

(Hollywood, Co. Wicklow)
ReWild Wicklow - category, Climate Action & Biodiversity
Hollywood Village - category, population of 0 - 500
Avoca Village - category, population of 500 - 1500
Greystones Tidy Towns - category, Creative Space Initiative, Sensory Garden.

(Avoca, Co. Wicklow)
Each entry is already a winner, having been selected from hundreds of worthy communities in our county. The winners will be announced at the Pride of Place Awards event in Armagh on the 10th of November. I would like to wish all the participants the very best of luck in the competition and look forward to celebrating with them in November.

(Avoca, Co. Wicklow)

(Avoca, Co. Wicklow)

(Avoca, Co. Wicklow)

(Greystones, Co. Wicklow)

(Greystones, Co. Wicklow)

(Greystones, Co. Wicklow)